More business for your business with Polygons Media
September 29, 2020
Span Calculator and Estimator for Roof Tech
January 1, 2021
More business for your business with Polygons Media
September 29, 2020
Span Calculator and Estimator for Roof Tech
January 1, 2021
Polygons Media prepares your online store for the shopping behavior this holiday season.
Social distancing measures have altered how, when, and where people shop. This holiday season is no exception. Shoppers plan to jump their holiday shopping earlier, which will extend the usual Cyber Monday and Cyber Week timelines.
With many people continuing at home, people turn online more than ever to browse, explore, research, and buy. And while deal-seeking behavior is not new, COVID-19 has led to an increase in shoppers looking for value in terms of quality and price.
How web marketing with Polygons Media prepares your business:
First, we identify your audiences. Polygons Media discovers new audiences based on their interests, habits, and what they’re planning to purchase.
Think beyond the highest days and prepare for an extended period of holiday shopping and deal-seeking. Capture primary and late holiday traffic by setting adequate budgets and competitive targets for Smart Shopping campaigns or Smart Bidding.
Get your on-sale items discovered by deal-seekers across Google. Shoppers are more price-conscious this year. Maximize the exposure of your ongoing sales and holiday deals with sales prices and promotions.